The Rujumba family has given FUFA the green light to undertake Football Development projects on the 10 acre land which they donated to the local football governing body.

The two parties signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at FUFA house. The function was witnessed by members of Rujumba Family and FUFA executive led by the FUFA president Eng. Moses Magogo and the first vice president Justus Mugisha.

“We are willing and ready to construct stadiums in Uganda for as long as we get sports loving people to offer us land” A message delivered by FUFA president Eng. Moses Magogo.

From Kadiba project to the proposed FUFA stadium in Lugazi and now another in its infancy stages for a stadium in Hoima, the local football governing body has bigger ideas on improving infrastructure.

The land is found, 3km on Hoima Masindi road. The land is part of 150 acres registered under their grandfather’s name, the late James Rujumba who gazetted 20 acres for a public project to be decided on by the family.

For starters, Dr. Rujumba was the first Veterinary doctor in Uganda.