DEAR ZZINA POWER: I AM dating a hot guy, but the bonk sessions are awful.
He is small and it does nothing for me when we are between the sheets.
We have been on a few dates and everything was going so well.
I really like him and he’s very keen on me.
He is 21 and I am 19. I didn’t want to rush into romps and he respected my feelings and waited.
Last night was our first time. Things were going amazingly well at first as he is brilliant at foreplay.
But his cassava was small even when awakened.
We carried on with foreplay but how do I tell him that the romps were a complete letdown for me?
ZINNA POWER SAYS: A great lover cares just as much about your pleasure as he does his own.
Do not judge him on first-time performance.
Bonk gets better when you become familiar with one another.
And remember, pleasure for a woman is centred around the clit not inside the sumbie.
My support pack Cassava Too Small? will reassure you that size isn’t what’s important.
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
Connect with him on social media using the links below in bio.