President Yoweri Museveni and the First Lady, Janet Museveni have continued to lead by example with a second round of the COVID19 jabs being administered.

Sevo and his wife completed their vaccination 2nd Astra Zeneca vaccine at the Nakasero State Lodge on Thursday afternoon amidst a second wave of the pandemic.

Sevo was carefully pierced by his sister in law,Dr,Diana Atwine ,the permanent secretary at the Ministry of health.

After taking his final shot, Sevo asked the public to follow in their footsteps by taking the Astra Zeneca jabs to build hard immunity in the country for the effective lifting of the lockdown.

He reminded the public that unless over 4 million persons receive the jab, it will be difficult to ease the lockdown.

“I urge Ugandans to get vaccinated. We started with the high-risk groups like health workers, teachers, security, and people with comorbidities. Our target is to cover over four million people,” Museveni said.

First Lady, Janet Museveni being vaccinated on Thursday.

He has also asked the public to keep wearing masks, washing hands with soap and water, sanitising ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing .

However ,his advise comes amidst reports that the country has a limited stock of vaccines and is unsure of when a second consignment will arrive in the country.

This month,the ministry of health rolled out a mass vaccination campaign at the Kololo ceremonial grounds to ensure the remaining over 400000 jabs dont expire.

The MOH confirmed that the vaccines are expiring by end of June 2021.

This exercise has seen drawn a large crowd of Ugandans for vaccination leaving very limited stock.

The permanent secretary Ministry of Health , Dr. Diana Atwine has revealed that the Ministry is yet to confirm when the next batch of covid19 jabs will arrive in Uganda.

 However, due to a global shortage of AstraZeneca caused by a ban on the importation of the vaccine from India, Uganda will now not be able to receive any of the paid-for vaccines in June.