Museveni To Deliver SONA

President Yoweri Museveni will on Friday at 2 pm deliver the state of the nation address-SONA at the Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.

Museveni will address from the Kololo grounds instead of parliament as has always been the case to observe covid 19 regulations on social distancing .

This is a constitutional fulfillment of article 101 (1) of the Constitution of Uganda.

The constitution requires that the president gives accountability to the public on the achievements made by the government in the past 12 months and also the future prospects for the next 5 years.

It is also viewed as the official opening of the 11th parliament session ahead of reading the Nation the Budget FY 2021/2022.

Museveni is largely expected to focus on the Ugandan economy ,reforms on the local, regional and International scene amidst economic challenges due to the pandemic.

Majority of the sectors in the economy are crippling and yet to recover from the effects of the lock-down and covid 19 pandemic,meanwhile other sectors like bars an entertainment places remain closed ,putting many out of business.

Schools and tertiary institutions have reopened in a phased manner although most are still struggling to cope, despite a looming lockdown foreseen, considering a second wave of the covid 19 infections.

He is also expected to dive into wealth funds for poverty alleviation at community level ,with a stern focus on the parish model that was passed by the 10th parliament.

Government has reduced the budget for the implementation of the Parish Development Model from Shs490 billion to Shs200 billion for the first phase because of shortage of funds.  

Museveni To Deliver SONA

The money is to be shared across all the 10,460 parishes for the preparatory phase in the first quarter of the next financial year

The initiative is the latest of government attempts at lifting nearly 68 percent of households from subsistence economy to commercial production to reduce poverty. 

Museveni is also expected to hint again on the shooting involving one of his Generals Katumba Wamala who survived an assassination attempt that claimed the lives of his daughter and driver.

During his address on the opening of the 10th Parliament in 2016, Museveni promised to invest heavily on CCTV cameras after citing organized crime by assailants on AIGP Andrew Kaweesi, Sheikhs, Major Kiggundu and Joan Kagezi among others.

To that effect ,the government injected over 300 billion shillings on cameras across the country with a national CCTV control center being erected at Naguru ,police headquarters.

Museveni also promised to use the next 5 years from 2016 to emphasize peace and security, better infrastructure,wealth creation, job creation, and market access to create economic stability.