Relief Cash Package

Opposition MPs on the shadow cabinet want the covid19 relief package for vulnerable Ugandans to be increased from Shs 100,000/= to Shs 200,000/=.

While addressing Journalists on Thursday,the legislators said the amount being offered to the vulnerable categories of Ugandans is insufficient .

The Legislators are now demanding that the State House budget cut caters for an increase in the COVID-19 relief package to the beneficiaries.

The government this week approved Shs54 billion package for over 500, 000 households targeting 1 million persons across Municipalities and cities.

The said money will be disbursed to the beneficiaries via mobile money by 6th July.

Meanwhile ,the shadow cabinet is also demanding that parliament reconvenes to discuss the covid 19 situation

Parliament is currently on a 2 weeks recess to prevent the further spread of infectious disease, covid 19.

The break started on Monday this week and MP’s were advised to work from their constituencies until parliament has been recalled.

This comes after the Deputy Speaker of parliament delegated a team of 40 members, led by the Bugweri mp Abudu Kantutu to account for and monitor the covid 19 situation and interventions countrywide.

Relief Cash Package

But the Shadow Cabinet has also come out to disagree with this arrangement. 

They claim that each legislator serves as peoples’ representative and must therefore have input in government COVID19 response interventions.

Joyce Bagala, Minister of Information and Anti-Corruption in the Shadow Cabinet says its high time that the deputy speaker Anite Among recalls parliament because it has the mandate to appropriate funds for covid 19 intervention and therefore it should be recalled.

“After all it is the only parliament that appropriates funds,” said Joyce Bagala, Minister of Information and Anti-Corruption in the Shadow Cabinet.

Also, a section of legislators in the 11th parliament is demanding that the Deputy speaker overturns a decision delegating a 40-member National and Regional covid 19 task force team to operate.

The legislators say this is not necessary and they were not consulted before the team was constituted.

The MPs say that this would have been the work of the health committee of Parliament and not a section of MPs whose selection criteria is not well defined.