Speaker Oulanyah’s Health

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Anita Among has taken the mantle of updating the public on the health status of her Senior ailing colleague Speaker Rt Hon Jacob Oulanyah.

Oulanyah is currently hospitalized abroad in the United States, receiving specialized treatment for yet to be identified condition.

Last week, during Plenary on Tuesday afternoon, Hon Among informed the August House that Hon Oulanyah was referred for specialized treatment abroad by consultants at Mulago Regional Referral Hospital where he was previously admitted for two weeks.

This was after protracted rumours circulating various social media platforms that Hon Oulanyah was fighting for his life at an undisclosed hospital abroad after being diagnosed with colon cancer at a serious stage.

However, Among, without divulging details of his condition, revealed that the Speaker is progressing well since he left the country for treatment on Friday, February 04 2022.

“During the period he was receiving medical attention at Mulago Hospital, medical experts in consultation with his personal doctors agreed to take him out of Mulago to a specialized hospital,” the Deputy Speaker said adding that, ‘we pray that he recovers fast and comes back to resume his job’.I spoke to Rt Hon. Jacob Oulanyah before I came to the House today and he is in good moods. He told me to tell the Members that he loves them,” Among said on Tuesday last week.

However, social media platforms have refused to rest on this matter, hardly a week after Hon Among’s assurance to the public, rumours about his demise started circulating. Un confirmed reports doing rounds on social media platforms the Speaker is dead and arrangements are being made for the return of his lifeless body.

This baseless information prompted a reaction from the Deputy speaker assuring the Country that Oulanyah is indeed still alive and progressing with treatment. In another tweet she shared on Sunday, Hon Among says the unwell Speaker is still receiving treatment and needs prayers for his speedy recovery.

“Fellow Countrymen and Women, Our leader and brother the Rt Hon. Jacob Oulanyah is receiving treatment as recommended by the doctors. Disregard the falsehoods making rounds on social media about his health.I ask all people of good will to pray for a speedy recovery for him.” Among said.

This is not the first time that the Speaker has disappeared from the public eye under similar circumstances. In June last year, the Speaker went missing shortly after chairing the budget reading.

The last time Speaker Oulanyah was spotted in the public eye is in June during the 2021/2022 budget reading. The Omoro county Mp drew attention from both the public and his fellow legislators.

Speaker Oulanyah’s Health

The lion of Omoro would later appear on July 29, 2022 in a flamboyant entrance to Parliament looking thinner but stable and fine. That Thursday afternoon, Speaker Oulanyah tagged a section of legislators hypocrites for demanding to know his whereabouts.

Oulanyah made a dominant entry to the August house clad in a navy blue suit, looking poised and ready to resume work.

While at Parliament Oulanyah made an intentional entrance to an induction workshop for opposition MP’s where he made his first remarks.

Oulanyah blasted“Some of you had made it a habit to demand my presence, yet for one and half years when I never chaired or even appeared in Parliament you didn’t raise itnow I am away for a week and they are like… Acholis are going to demonstrate. Let’s stick to standard principles. Let us have one standard with which we shall be judged.”