MTN Uganda in partnership with the Kingdom of Tooro, launched the Tooro Kingdom Masaza tournament dubbed “empaka z’omupiira gw’amasaza” last Friday. The tournament was launched in an event held at the Tooro Kingdom headquarters in Muchwa in the western district of Fort portal.

MTN Uganda is the exclusive sponsor of the month-long tournament based on an ongoing partnership that commenced in 2020, between the Kingdom and the MTN brand.

The tournament that is set to kick off on Sunday 20th March will culminate into a grand finale on the 30th birthday of the Omukama of Tooro, His Majesty Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV on Friday 15th April 2022.

Speaking at the launch of the kingdom football tournament in Fort portal, Andrew Tusbira, MTN’s head of Commercial sales and distribution in South and Western Uganda said that MTN identified and is working with kingdoms because they are a strong community aggregator that fosters shared beliefs and unity of purpose, that resonates with MTN’s #GoodTogether notion.

“MTN partnered with Tooro kingdom to foster the socio-economic and cultural wellbeing of its people through supporting the fundamentals of health, education, and sports. As such, we are happy to be launching an activity that will further bring together the people of Tooro through a fun and passionate sport that is loved and enjoyed in our community and the world over,” noted Tusubira.

Rt. Hon Bernard Tungakwo, the Prime Minister of Tooro Kingdom thanked MTN Uganda for loving and supporting the people of Tooro over the years.

“I am happy to note that after 2 years of no community activity due to the pandemic, this tournament will bring the 9 counties of Tooro Kingdom together through football. We are very excited and look forward to these matches,” Tungakwo said.

At the height of a ravaging pandemic last year, MTN supported the Tooro Kingdom coronation ceremony with UGX. 40 million worth of oxygen cylinders for health centers in the kingdom. MTN also renovated and equipped the Maternity ward at Kijuura Health center III as part of the company’s support to improving maternal health in the Tooro Kingdom.

Apart from Tooro Kingdom, MTN Uganda has partnered with other cultural institutions to support the socio-economic, and cultural wellbeing of the subjects of the respective kingdoms through supporting health, education, and community initiatives. This is based on the premise that cultural institutions play a pivotal role in the maintenance, revitalization, and documentation of peoples’ cultural heritage as well as in facilitating their subjects’ social-economic wellbeing, interaction, and engagement.