The Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety has revealed that 81 people died and 301 were injured in a series of grisly road accidents reported in one week, between July 7 and 13, 2024. The accidents primarily involved boda boda riders and their passengers, pedestrians, and various vehicles.
Traffic spokesman Kananura Michael attributed most accidents to careless overtaking, which accounted for 31% of the incidents, and speeding, which was responsible for 19%. The deaths included 35 motorcyclists, 28 pedestrians, 13 motorcycle passengers, 3 pedocyclists, and 1 driver. 59% of the accidents involved passengers and riders on motorcycles, while 35% of the deaths were pedestrians.
One of the most horrific accidents that occurred over the weekend involved a commuter taxi burning with some of its passengers roasting beyond recognition. The incident happened along Clive Road in Jinja City . An unknown number of occupants were injured in the fire that happened under unclear circumstances. However, besides videos circulating widely across various social media platforms, the police are yet to gather facts on the incident. Police spokesman Rusoke Kituuma on Monday told journalists that they will avail information in due time as facts remain scanty.

Another terrible accident happened on July 14, 2024, when a trailer and a Tata Lorry collided on the Iganga-Bugiri Highway. According to Kananura, a fuel tanker (ZG2941) traveling from Iganga to Bugiri lost control, veered into the oncoming lane, and collided with a Tata Lorry (UBG347D) carrying cement from Tororo. The collision caused both vehicles to catch fire, resulting in one person being burned beyond recognition. The identity of the deceased is still unknown due to the severity of the burns. The driver of the Tata Lorry survived but sustained major injuries and is currently receiving treatment in the hospital.
In another fatal accident involving an ambulance (UAY400Y) belonging to Specialist Dr. International Facility. The ambulance, on its way from Jinja to Kyotera, collided with two Bajaj motorcycles while attempting to overtake other cars at Kitende along the Masaka-Kampala Highway. Kananura reported that one rider died on the spot, while two others, including a passenger on the Bajaj, were injured. The ambulance driver, who was transporting a body, was at fault for demanding the right of way while overtaking carelessly.