The Judith Nahurira Foundation has been instrumental in transforming the lives of several children who were deeply affected by the devastating Kiteezi landslide. This tragic event claimed over 36 lives, including the family members of four children—Shamirah, Kawuthara, Bashirah, and Lewis. Through the foundation’s tireless support, these children have been given a second chance at life, with access to quality education at Namuwaaya Education Centre.

Shamirah Sekamate’s Story

Shamirah, a 10-year-old girl from the Kiteezi Red Cross Camp, faced unimaginable loss when the landslide claimed the lives of her mother and two siblings. Now under the care of her father, a struggling carpenter, Shamirah has shown remarkable resilience. The Judith Nahurira Foundation enrolled her in Namuwaaya Education Centre, offering her the opportunity to receive a quality education. The foundation’s support extends beyond financial aid, ensuring she has the emotional support needed to navigate her grief and the challenges she faces.

Kawuthara Sekamate’s Story

Kawuthara, Shamirah’s 9-year-old sister, has also endured the profound loss of her mother and siblings. Like her sister, Kawuthara’s resilience shines through the darkness of her circumstances. Enrolled in the same school by the foundation, she now has access to an environment that fosters both academic growth and emotional healing. Judith Nahurira Foundation’s involvement has allowed her to find solace in her studies, creating a safe space where she can begin to rebuild her sense of normalcy and hope.

Bashirah Sekamate’s Story

At just 7 years old, Bashirah is the youngest of the Sekamate sisters. The loss of her mother and siblings has left a deep impact on her young life. Recognizing the critical need for emotional and educational support during her developmental years, the Judith Nahurira Foundation enrolled Bashirah in Namuwaaya Education Centre. Here, she not only receives a solid educational foundation but also benefits from counseling and emotional support, helping her process her grief in a nurturing environment.

Lewis Lutaaya’s Story

Nineteen-year-old Lewis has faced a lifetime of challenges. Abandoned by his father before birth and raised by a single mother, Lewis’s life was further devastated when the Kiteezi landslide destroyed their home and source of income. Despite his hardships, Lewis’s determination to succeed remains unshaken. With the support of the Judith Nahurira Foundation, he is currently attending Senior 5 at Namuwaaya Education Centre, where he is working towards his dream of becoming a lawyer. His story is one of resilience, strength, and a refusal to let circumstances dictate his future.

The children’s progress at Namuwaaya Education Centre has been a testament to their resilience and the foundation’s unwavering support. According to the school’s director, “These children have shown remarkable improvement, both academically and emotionally. Despite their traumatic past, their ability to adapt and thrive in a structured learning environment has been truly inspiring. We are proud to be part of their journey toward a brighter future.”

While the Judith Nahurira Foundation has single-handedly supported these children thus far, the need for help is growing. The foundation is calling on the public to partner with them in expanding their reach to help more children like Shamirah, Kawuthara, Bashirah, and Lewis. Your contribution can make a lasting impact on their lives and those of other vulnerable children in need of education and support.

Join us in empowering these young lives. Together, we can create a future filled with hope, opportunity, and positive change. Visit to donate today.