By Chris Mabonga

Even after legendary music producer Washington confirming early this morning how Godfrey Wamala gruesomely ended Singer Mowzey Radio’s life by hitting his head on the floor, the  number one key suspect in the case is not about to accept all that crap as he has denied all the accusations labeled against him by eye witnesses.

Godfrey Wamala, 28 who was arrested on Sunday night in Kyengara where he has been hiding since the unfortunate incident happened, told the detectives during an interrogation at Katwe Police Station how he didn’t at any one moment touch Radio and that he found him down, already beaten by unknown people.

“Bouncers were asked to take Mowzey out. I followed later and found him down with people gathered around him. I never touched him and later I went to play video games”, Wamala said

Wamala who has been transferred to Entebbe Police Station, further added that he went into hiding after hearing his name being mentioned as having participated in the beating of Mowzey Radio.