The Friday Night Lights (FNL) basketball games are on this Friday fronting the ‘Battle of The
Titans’ edition which will see the main sponsors Tusker Lite under Uganda Breweries Limited
(UBL) battling it out with the other sponsors; Sprite, Roke, and Nxt Radio.
The UBL team will comprise of UBL’s Head of Premium Beers, Cathy Twesigye, UBL’s
Marketing Director, Juliana Kagwa, and UBL’s Head of Beer, Estella Muzito.
The All-Star edition last Friday saw celebrated rapper Mun G taking part in the games as he
participated in the three point challenge only to succeed in his second attempt.
The toughest game of the evening saw Team Flirsh overcome Team Zam 21-18.
Panamera Bar and Restaurant is definitely your dream hangout spot on Friday.
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