MP Robert Kyagulanyi also known as Bobi Wine has been arraigned before Buganda road magistrates court this evening.

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Bobi Wine, who was arrested as he reported to CID headquarters on Monday morning and later detained at Naggalama police station in Mukono district.

He was later driven to Buganda road court where grade one Magistrate Esther Nahirya read him charges related to disobedience of statutory duties contrary to section 116 of the Penal Code Act.

The state alleges that on July 11, 2018 Bobi Wine together with several others still at large at City Square in Kampala disobeyed section 5 and 10 of the Public Order Management Act 2013 by holding a public meeting without adhering to the required criteria.

The case has been stood over for 30 minutes.

The charges against the legislator cum singer relate to the social media tax protest he held in the city centre last year. He was remanded to Luzira Maximum Security Prison. But before, Bobi was given a chance by the magistrate to at least give his side of view and guess what? The Kyarenga hit star was brave and fearless.

“Your honour thank you for this opportunity. I’m confident because indeed it’s not me on trial; it’s the court itself on trial. I have not committed any crime. I’m only here because I disagree with the political leadership of this country and in particular President Museveni. But my spirit is confident because I’m here not because I’ve stolen public funds or killed somebody. I’m glad that I’m here because I’m fighting for them, you (magistrate) and everybody in this country. I’m here for protesting against unfair taxation and against injustice. So if I’m to go through this oppression and pain for the betterment of my country so be it. At least I know that history will absolve me. Thanks”, he said.

Checkout the clip below;