Earlier this year, Sheila Gashumba unofficially decided to run away from her daddy’s home after realizing that she had ripened. Her Dad, Frank Gashumba tried to stop her but Sheilah had surely grown unbreakable wings.
He even grounded and caned her like a chicken thief in a bid to pump sense into her but it serve to its purpose. Sheilah had already tasted the sweet night life of Kampala and with in a short period, some loaded guy in the names of Marcus aka God’s Plan had stolen her heart.
God’s Plan started cultivating the TV star’s virgin garden and harvesting the sweet fruits effortlessly. He showered her with dimes, bankrolled her trips too! It has seemingly been a great love story not until today that we have learnt that God’s Plan is reportedly bonking one of Sheilah’s childhood pal, Flavia Katushabe aka Flavia Kats.
According to blogger Ritah Kaggwa’s post on FB, Flavia is God’s Plan’s daily meal and Sheilah can’t do nothing about it.
Below is Ritah’s post;
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
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