Fellas, you know the babe who has you saved as “Food” in her phone? Turns out, you aren’t alone.
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According to a study conducted by researchers as Azusa Pacific University and U.C. Merced found that “75 to 85% of babes surveyed had engaged in a foodie call.”

Want to know the kicker? Researchers in this particular study found that people who were likely to engage in “foodie calls” were also the same people to have negative personality traits such as narcissism and more likely are to engage in deceitful behavior.

Image may contain: food and indoor

What else are “foodie call” participants more likely to do? According to the study, they’re more likely to engage in “one-night stands, faking an orgasm, or sending unsolicited sexual pictures.”

And you thought Future was wildin’ when he said, “Chicken wings & fries, we don’t go on dates.”