By Nina Chelsea Nabbona
Have you ever had an argument with your spouse and wished they could just read your mind? That’s sort of the idea behind the concept of love languages, they let you in on what makes your partner spark. The thing is, we all feel love differently, and understanding those differences can seriously help your relationship.
There are basically five emotional love languages or ways that people speak and understand emotional love. The vital thing is for you to speak the love language of your spouse.
- Words of affection
This holds expression of affection through speaking or saying words of affection, praise, appreciation among all others.
- Acts of service
Now this includes doing actions, rather than words, to express your love for example, helping around with domestic work, among others.

- Receiving gifts
Now gifting is a symbol of love and affection. Once in a while, pick something nice for your partner, however old or new the relationship is, and by the way, one doesn’t have to be rich to gift, you can do the little you can it is not about the gift but rather who gifts it.This in many cases strengthens a relationship.
- Quality time
This holds expressing affection with undivided, undistracted attention. Busy schedules may prevail but quality time injected in a relationship however little, it’s a big deal
- Physical touch
Here, expression of love is shown through soothing touches from ones partner. It may be intimate or just special touches like kissing, hugging, holding hands, all among others.

Chances are that you can relate to a few of these, maybe all of them. When you know what your partner does and doesn’t care about, it’s a pretty big eye opener.