It is official! Rema Namakula has left her baby daddy and BET award winning artiste, Eddy Kenzo for a new man, who knows how to rub a woman the right way

Although Social Media is awash with comments that Rema’s new man ,Dr. Hamza Ssebunya a medical doctor has another wife, many have come out to congratulate her.

With the wedding slated for November this year, city socialite and Snapchat queen Bad Black has congratulated the songstress and promised to attend the wedding.

Black also promised in a Snapchat post that see will sing her song Mudguard for the bagole come wedding day.

She went ahead to blame Eddy Kenzo for the relationship failure saying that the international Ugandan born star was doing it all for Social Media.

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The two have been living separately for some time now. Rema is building her own house in Namugongo which is nearing completion. A usual, we will keep you in the know.

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