Young tycoon Hamis Kiggundu has rubbished reports that his swanky home at the shores of lake Victoria in Ggaba is submerged.

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For the past fortnight, videos and pics showing how his flashy home, valued at 5 billion UgShs was partly swallowed by the untamed waters have been making rounds on social media.

In the video, once a beautiful home compound with different species of flowers can be seen flooded with water!

However loaded business mogul maintains, he is not under any threat.

He has shared the current pics of his residence just to pour cold waters on critics and haters.

“Current pictures of Ham’s Residence, home of Hamis Kiggundu, C.E.O of Ham Enterprises (U) Ltd. The Home is still very safe.”, his caption reads.

Image may contain: 1 person Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoor No photo description available. Image may contain: indoor Image may contain: indoor