One wise man once said that there is always an opportunity in every situation that life throw at you.It doesn’t really matter whether the situation is good or bad, you can always look closer for that one thing that can turn your life around
In the same way when government banned bars and clubs from operating in town , NBS and NTV took it upon themselves to air out late night live parties as a way of entertaining millions of Ugandans stuck home through out the night.
Indeed it has been a roll coaster ride for the two leading stations as their viewership and fan base has increased exponentially over the last 4 weeks
NBS Katch up and NTV Mix Show have continuously been trending on twitter every Friday which directly means a good number of Ugandans are watching and following the healthy competition between the two great stations
The two TV stations have both turned the bad situation the country finds it’s self in into their own advantage and we can tell you that it’s actually working out perfectly
Yesterday night ardent music lovers had to keep on flipping their remotes to change TV channels just to find out how the two stations are fairing
If we are to go by the trends on twitter then NBS Katch seems to have taken all the bragging rights of the night
By morning NBS Katch up had over 73,000 people twitting about the show while NTV Mix Show had just 24,000
The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below