Renown City Comedian Alex Muhangi has sparked off debate on social media following a cozy picture he posted on Facebook earlier in the day
In the said picture, the proprietor of comedy store Uganda is seen standing close to juicy NTV login presenter Tina Teisa as he patiently waits for the camera man to take a snap
Donned in an all black ripped jean hacked with a white branded comedy T-shirt Alex caused huge debate on Facebook for he seductively posed for the picture with the bootytlicious and sexy Tina Teise
No sooner had Alex posted the picture on social media than fans began throwing allegations with some deep thinkers alleging how Alex and Tina could already be bonking behind the scenes
Check out some of the comments Alex attracted on his page immediately after posting the cozy picture
The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below